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CEO interview with Dinesh Bettadapur of Irresistible Materials – Semiwiki

Irresisible Materials for next generation 1nm EUV

New Irresistible Materials CEO to drive commercialization and market adoption

EUV’s Future Looks Brighter – Semiconductor Engineering

Irresistible Materials appoints a new CEO
CEO Press Release

Irresistible Materials Ltd is selected by the EE Times as one of the top 100 silicon start-ups to watch in 2020.

Journal Papers

EUV Lithography

“Optimization of fullerene-based negative tone chemically amplified fullerene resist for extreme ultraviolet lithography”
A. Frommhold, D.X. Yang, A. McClelland, X. Xue, Y. Ekinci, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Proc SPIE, 9051, 905119 (2014).

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“Performance of negative tone chemically amplified fullerene resists in extreme ultraviolet lithography,”
A. Frommhold, D.X. Yang, A. McClelland, X. Xue, Y. Ekinci, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
J Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 12, 033010 (2013).

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“Chemically Amplified Fullerene Resists, Spin-on Fullerene Hardmasks and High Aspect Ratio Etching”
A. Frommhold, D.X. Yang, J. Manyam, M. Manickam, E. Tarte, J.A. Preece, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
IEEE-NANO, 1-6 (2012).

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Electron Beam Lithography

“Helium ion beam lithography on fullerene molecular resists for sub-10 nm patterning,”
X. Shi, P. Prewett, E. Huq, D.M. Bagnall, A.P.G. Robinsond, S.A. Boden,
Microelectronic Engineering, 155, 74-78 (2016).

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“Chemically Amplified Phenolic Fullerene Electron Beam Resist,”
D.X. Yang, A. Frommhold, X. Xue, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
J Mater Chem C, 2, 1505-1512 (2014).

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“Positive Tone Chemically Amplified Fullerene Resist,”
J. Manyam, A Frommhold, D.X. Yang, A. McClelland, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Proc SPIE, 8325, 83251U (2012).

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“Chemically Amplified Fullerene Resists for e-Beam Lithography,”
J. Manyam, F.P. Gibbons, S. Diegoli, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Proc SPIE, 6923, 69230M (2008).

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“Fullerene Resist Materials for the 32nm Node and Beyond,”
F.P. Gibbons, A.P.G. Robinson, R.E. Palmer, S. Diegoli, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece,
Adv. Funct. Mater., 18, 1977 (2008).

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“A High Resolution Water Soluble Fullerene Molecular Resist For Electron Beam Lithography,”
X. Chen, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Nanotechnology, 19, 275308 (2008).

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“A Chemically Amplified Fullerene Derivative Molecular Electron Beam Resist,”
F.P. Gibbons, H.M. Zaid, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Small, 3, 2076 (2007).

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“Ultrathin Fullerene Films as High-Resolution Molecular Resists for Low-Voltage Electron-Beam Lithography,”
F.P. Gibbons, A.P. G. Robinson, R.E. Palmer, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece,
Small, 2, 1003 (2006).

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“A Fullerene Derivative as an Electron Beam Resist for Nanolithography,”
A.P.G. Robinson, R.E. Palmer, T. Tada, T. Kanayama, J.A. Preece,
Appl. Phys. Lett., 72, 1302 (1998).

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Resist Etching

“Formation of Nanoscale Structures by Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching,”
C.C. Welch, D.L. Olynick, Z. Liu, A. Holmberg, C. Peroz, A.P.G. Robinson, M.D. Henry, A. Scherer, T. Mollenhauer, V. Genova, D.K.T. Ng,
Proc SPIE, 8700, 870002 (2013).

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“Plasma Etching of High-resolution Features in a Fullerene Molecular Resist,”
J. Manyam, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Proc SPIE, 7972, 79722N (2011).

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“Spin-on Carbon using Fullerene derivatives,”
A. Frommhold, A.G. Brown, T. Lada, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Proc SPIE, 9054, 90540Q (2014).

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“Spin-on-carbon hardmask based on fullerene derivatives for high-aspect ratio etching,”
A. Frommhold, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
J Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 12, 033003 (2013).

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“High aspect ratio etching using a fullerene derivative spin-on-carbon hardmask,”
A. Frommhold, J. Manyam, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Proc SPIE, 8328, 83280U (2012).

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“Fullerene based Spin on Carbon Hardmask,”
J. Manyam, A. Frommhold, R. E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Microelectron. Eng., 98, 552 (2012).

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“Low Activation Energy Fullerene Molecular Resist,”
J. Manyam, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Proc SPIE, 7273, 72733D (2009).

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“Direct Electron Beam Writing of Highly Conductive Wires in Functionalized Fullerene Films,”
F.P. Gibbons, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Small, 5, 2750 (2009).

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“Characterisation of the Effects of Base Additives on a Fullerene Chemically Amplified Resist,”
J. Manyam, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Proc SPIE, 7639, 7639N (2010).

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Conference Presentations


“Optimisation of Fullerene based Negative Tone Chemically Amplified Resist for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography,”
A. Frommhold, D.X. Yang, R.E. Palmer, X. Xue, Y. Ekinci, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at SPIE Advanced Lithography, 2014, San Jose, USA.

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“A Platinum-Fullerene Complex for Patterning Metal Containing Nanostructures,”
D.X. Yang, A. Frommhold, D.S. He, Z.Y. Li, R.E. Palmer, M.A. Lebedeva, T.W. Chamberlain, A.N. Khlobystov, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at SPIE Advanced Lithography, 2014, San Jose, USA.

Coming Soon

“Evaluation of Negative Tone Chemically Amplified Fullerene Resist for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography,”
A. Frommhold, D.X. Yang, R.E. Palmer, X. Xue, Y. Ekinci, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE), 2013, London, UK.

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“Fullerene Derivatives as High Resolution Negative Tone Electron Beam Resists,”
D.X. Yang, J. Manyam, R.E. Palmer, X. Xue, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE), 2013, London, UK.

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“EUV Lithography Performance of Negative tone Chemically Amplified Fullerene Resist,”
A. Frommhold, D.X. Yang, R.E. Palmer, A. McClelland, X. Xue, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at SPIE Advanced Lithography, 2013, San Jose, USA.

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“Electron and EUV lithography with fullerene based molecular photoresists,”
D.X. Yang, A. Frommhold, J. Manyam, M. Manickam, J.A. Preece, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE), 2012, Toulouse, France.

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“Spin-on Carbon using Fullerene Derivatives,”
A. Frommhold, A.G. Brown, T. Lada, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at SPIE Advanced Lithography, 2014, San Jose, USA.

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“Fullerene derivatives as spin-on-carbon material for high aspect ratio etching,”
A. Frommhold, T. Lada, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE), 2013, London, UK.

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“Spin-on Carbon based on Fullerene derivatives as hardmask material for high aspect ratio etching,”
A. Frommhold, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at SPIE Advanced Lithography, 2013, San Jose, USA.

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“High aspect ratio etching using a fullerene derivative spin-on-carbon hardmask,”
A. Frommhold, J. Manyam, R.E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at SPIE Advanced Lithography, 2012, San Jose, USA.

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“Resolution, Thermal Performance and Mechanical Stability of Fullerene based Spin on Hardmasks ,”
J. Manyam, R.E. Palmer, A. Frommhold, A.P.G. Robinson,
Presented at Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE), 2012, Toulouse, France.

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